Glimpse of manipulated stills, 2016-
Ongoing photo series
Installation in slide show format
Archival C-prints available
“Liz Rosenfeld’s Glimpse of Manipulated Still, 2017-ongoing iPhone photos converted into slides and postcards Glimpse of Manipulated Still is an ongoing photo series in which the artist spontaneously takes photos of herself in varying ecologies while traveling with friends, family and lovers. Each photo is taken by her travel companion as a snapshot on her phone. These photos juxtapose the ecologies of nature and flesh, and in many cases were taken in extreme weather environments ranging from +40 degrees to -20. The artist considers this work to be continually in progress, and rather than portraiture, these photos offer glimpses of the excess of flesh meeting the excess of nature in a queered time and space. By translating these moments from digital shots into postcards, Rosenfeld invites the audience to circulate these intimate moments, allowing her initial journey to continue travelling with other companions.”
- Cuntemporary,